Streaming Data Science with Streamlit

I recently used Streamlit to showcase data for my package, Elexonpy, which is published on PyPI. As I worked on the package, it became clear that presenting the data in...

Efficiently Managing Your Git Repository: How to Delete Multiple Branches

I recently came across a problem during my summer thesis project: managing an increasingly cluttered Git repository. As the project went on, many different branches and experiments were created. This...

The Ethical Fallout of Amazon’s AI Hiring Tool

In 2018, Amazon, a major company in online sales and cloud computing, started using an artificial intelligence system for hiring new employees. The goal was to use advanced tech- nology...

Jupyter Power in VS Code

I recently came across the functionalities offered by the Jupyter extension within Visual Studio Code, and I must say, it’s been a game-changer in my development toolkit. The Jupyter extension...

Reflections on My GSoC 2023 Journey: My Achievements and What's Next with AsyncAPI Initiative

In this blog post, I want to share what I did during Google Summer of Code 2023 with AsyncAPI Initiative. During this program, I had the privilege of working with...