Git has been Got

GIT is a tracking system of codes for web developer or software engineer made by the creator of Linux. It includes multiple directories that continuously changes as codes are added...

Passing value or reference??

A little introduction on pass by value v/s pass by reference. Pass By Value In Pass by Value, functions are called directly by passing the value of the variable in...

Requirements when creating a User Defined objects

While creating a user-defined objects there are two steps which are required: Defining the object type by writing a function. Creating an object with ‘new’ keyword. To define an object...

When developing landing pages

Somedays back I had to write a one-pager on essentials of building a landing page. It got me thinking on what is crux of the things one should take care...

Var, Let and Const

This blog consist the scope and use of var, let and const in Javascript. Three of the above methods are used to define a variable in Javascript but three of...