Outreachy Week 3

Everybody struggles Stop focusing on results and enjoy the process. I haven’t had many difficulties in coding on my project yet. Maybe because I already have some experience with the...

Outreachy Week 1

I’m Richa, a software developer based in Delhi, India. I focus on writing clean, elegant, and efficient code. I grew up in Delhi and studied Business Administration. After working at...

Concept of Currying

“Currying is the process of turning a function with multiple arity into a function with less arity” — Kristina Brainwave In simple words, currying is a method in programming in...

I promise to teach you callback

I was recently asked this question in an interview. I decided to get to the bottom of this. When you write code in any of the high-level languages (Python, Javascript,...

Case Study on Web Performance Optimization

Recently, I completed Web perfomance optimization course from udacity to make things more clear in my head I analysed the webcompat.com. Webcompat is an add-on feature which helps in reporting...